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Kids at First children's department

The mission of the First Baptist Belmont is to glorify God and make disciples by sharing the Gospel, the mission Kids at First is no different, except the group we focus on is children No one likes to think of children as lost, but unfortunately they are. So as Christians we are to preach to them the Gospel of Christ Jesus so that they might believe and repent. That is my goal as the director of Youth and Children. 

Children’s and Youth ministries are not just about programs and activities for kids to be involved in, but they are about teaching the kids the Gospel and doctrines of the Christian life. These ministries come alongside you as parents to supplement your parenting and connect them with kids their own age. Here at First Baptist your kids WILL hear the Gospel if they come. 



9:45a -10:45a: Sunday School- classes separated by age groups. We use the Gospel Project for Kids curriculum, which teaches through the entire Bible over a period of 3 years. Sunday school will be giving children a basic understanding of the Biblical Narrative and how God and His Son are the main characters of the entire Bible. We also have the children join us in our regular services regularly or at least once a month as an important part of their membership development.


11:00a-12:00p: JAM: Ages 3 yrs- 3rd grade- After worshiping with the adults through music the Kids transition to their own classroom for an interactive lesson that communicates Biblical truths on their level and in ways that help them learn.


6:30p-7:30p: Children’s Choirs: Ages 3 yrs- 5th grade

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